بِسْــــــــــــــــمِ اﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ اارَّحِيم
salam solidarity forever!!!
udah lama gak nulis materi kuliah,sambil ujian,ku sempati nulis ,ya sekedarnya aja. materi yang akan di tulis berkaitan dengan ekonomi teknik(engineering economy) . bahasa yang saya pakai adalah bahasa inggris agar tidak mengurangi originalitas dari sang empunya buku yang saya baca.
menurut buku engineering economy (Lelan T. Blank and Anthony J. Tarquin) ,
Engineering economy is a collection of mathematical techniques which simplify economic comparison. with these techniques ,a rational meaningful approach to evaluating the economic aspects of different methods of accomplishing a given objective can be developed.. engineering economy is,therefore ,a decision assistance tool by which one method will be chosen as the most economical one.